Ever since we played on a BYU intramural soccer team, Celeste and I have loved playing soccer. It's a fun sport and you get a TON of exercise. I still attribute soccer to taking away the extra pounds I acquired during my KPMG internship (I felt that all I did was sit and eat). Since we've moved to California, we've started to play on the KPMG co-ed soccer team. It's pretty fun, and there are some other company teams you might recognize (such as MySpace and Facebook). Anyway, while playing in a game a few weeks ago, Celeste was in the middle of the action when suddenly she collapsed. It turns out she got her legs tangled with one of the other guys and rolled her ankle. We rushed her home to get some ice on the injury, then took her to the minor injuries clinic at Kaiser Permanente the next day. After taking some X-rays, the doctor's assessment seemed promising -- she would be walking normal in a few days. They wrapped up her ankle, gave her some crutches, and we were on our way.
After a few days went by, things didn't get better. In fact, they got worse. With hope on our side, though, we decided to wait a few more days (the doctor said she should be walking just fine after a few days -- maybe it was a few days longer than his assessment). But alas, it didn't get better.
More than a week after the injury, we went to Celeste's regular doctor for a second opinion. Her opinion: "I don't know why the first doctor said she would be walking after a few days. You should see a specialist."

So we set up an appointment with a specialist for the next week (for two weeks exactly from the date of Celeste's injury). We meet with the specialist, he looked at the X-ray, and his immediate assessment was: "Looks like the injury is 80% sprain, 20% broken bone." So they put a cast on her -- she chose the florescent green with sparkles (it looks pretty cool if I do say so myself). It was also the first time I'd ever seen someone get a cast before -- very interesting.
Now Celeste is able to get around a lot better than before. Plus, I don't have to worry about accidentally hitting her sprained foot while we sleep. I'm actually the one dodging her leg! Casts are really hard. They say that the cast comes off right before our anniversary. Perfect timing so that we can enjoy the beach.