This experience made me start thinking about my own multi-tasking habits. My biggest problem is (or was) working on homework only to get distracted by a new email or news story. One thing that I feel that I have successfully mastered is to not answer my cell phone if I'm doing something that is more important (such as eating dinner with my wife or talking to a friend face to face). Michelle M. Weil, PhD, gave three recommendations for effectively managing time in relation to multi-tasking:
- Estimate how long tasks take: We sometimes spend more time doing things than we realize. I think we would be amazed if we timed how long we spend just checking our emails on the computer. The author suggested that we set a time limit for tasks and try our hardest to stick to those time limits.
- Develop an "external memory": We sometimes do things because we're afraid that we'll forget to do them later. If we set a method of remembering to do things (such as a "to do" list in a notebook), then we can avoid having to multi-task now.
- Give yourself a chance to persevere on a task until completion: If you are engrossed in a task, stick to it until you are done. If you stop, then you'll have to spend time figuring out where you were in addition to the time you'll have to spend doing the task. Get it done and move onto the next step.