Saturday, August 21, 2010

A Special Announcement

It's probably about time we made a more general announcement of some special news that we have. For Fathers' Day, we were visiting our family in Washington after Celeste's sister's wedding. Since we were in Europe for Mothers' Day, we got all of our parents special gifts for the occasion. Here is a video of them opening the gifts.

Our parents were expecting something we bought from Europe. But we surprised them with "Happy Grandfathers' Day" cards for our dads, and pictures of the new grandchild for our moms. We think we got a pretty good reaction.

Since we made the announcement, we found out that we'll be having a girl. We're very excited and can't wait for the new addition to our family!

1 comment:

LundHOMEpage said...

Talk about excited parents!! that video is awesome.