Sunday, April 24, 2011

Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy Swing Routine

For those of you who haven't heard the story: Celeste and I met while dancing on the BYU Swing Team. I had just returned from my mission in Russia (two years without dancing) and Celeste was the person who evaluated me during the team tryout. The tryout didn't go well, but with the recommendation of the team captain (who had seen me dance before my mission), I made the team. The first semester, we danced two measures together in just one routine. The second semester, we became full-time dance partners.

Eventually, I asked Celeste out on a date (which is a great story that I'll save for another time). It went well (we even shared a bowl of ice cream from Cold Stone... of course, that was more because I was a poor college student than anything else). Anyway, between dancing and dating, we decided that we were a good match. So we got married!

At our wedding reception, we performed a dance routine to Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy. We sure had fun performing! It took almost seven years, but we finally got the video posted to YouTube (that is, my brother posted it to YouTube). It is sure fun to see ourselves dance at that special time!

Just a few weeks ago, we found out that there was going to be a talent show at our church. Of course, we signed up to do a dance routine (just three months after having a baby and nine months after last dancing). Since we just saw our wedding dance video, we thought it would be fun if we choreographed a new and improved routine to Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy. We found a faster version of the song, changed a few steps, dusted off our old costumes, and voila! We like the end product. Let us know what you think!


Melinda and Charles said...

I'm impressed! It's so fun to see you perform together. You were definitely made for each other.

Anonymous said...

Way to go! Great routine!!

Jenna said...

We like it! You did a great routine & it looks like a lot of fun!

-Jenna & Scott Smith

LundHOMEpage said...

Definitely like the upbeat version better! You look a lot more comfortable dancing together and like we were having fun. So nice work on the improved version. That is some serious footwork, just remember to showcase how much fun it is to dance together. I haven't gotten to dance it a LONG time, something I miss...maybe one day i'll get brian to learn. :)