So today was my birthday, and it was definitely a great day. Celeste spoils me every birthday, ever since she organized my first birthday with her five years ago. Today was no exception. Celeste got out of bed before me, and by the time I was all ready for work, waffles with blueberries, strawberries, whipped cream, and syrup were waiting for me on the table. And to top it off, there was also fresh squeezed orange juice. Very tasty!
Work was good, especially because my phone kept buzzing, telling me I had new (birthday) emails. I was thinking how amazing it is the many methods of communication that people wished me a happy birthday. I got text messages, emails, cards through the mail, phone calls, and messages on my Facebook wall. But of course, the best is always in person, and especially from my wife.

After work, I came home to Celeste making one of my favorite dishes, pasties. As she was cutting the meat, I asked whether I could peek in the freezer (hoping for the annual ice cream cake). It was there, and boy was it tasty. She even made it without chocolate (my friend challenged/dared me to give up chocolate, and I haven't had it for about a week now). Once the pasties were in the oven, I opened gifts. I got a new work outfit (from Celeste) and a really neat book with five of Joseph Smith's journals transcribed verbatim into a compilation entitled The Joseph Smith Papers Vol. 1 (from my mom).

Once the pasties were ready, we ate, and then let the food settle until we were ready for cake. Then it was time for that amazing cake that I spied earlier in the evening -- ice cream cake with blueberries, strawberries, and whipped cream (can you tell a trend of what I like to eat?). There were also shortbread cookies mixed into the cake and caramel drizzling the top. Celeste did a great job.
It's been a great birthday. I had a lot of fun and ate some amazing food. Thank you everyone who wished me a happy birthday and made this a great day.